Recommended, especially for beginners, in boldface.
- Titanium White*
- Flake White
- Zinc White
- Brilliant Yellow Light
- Naples Yellow (Winsor & Newton)
- Naples Yellow Green (Rembrandt)
- Naples Yellow Red (Rembrandt)
- Naples Yellow Light*
- Jaune Brilliant* (Winsor & Newton)
- Cadmium Lemon Yellow*
- Cadmium Yellow Medium*
- Cadmium Orange*
- Cadmium Red Medium*
- Brilliant Pink* (Old Holland)
- Alizarin Crimson Permanent* (Winsor & Newton)
- Cobalt Violet or Cobalt Violet Light*
- Cobalt Violet Deep
- Ultramarine Violet*
- Cobalt Blue*
- Ultramarine Blue
- King's Blue
- Cerulean Blue*
- Phthalocyanine Blue
- Phthalocyanine Green
- Cobalt Turquoise
- Viridian*
- Chrome Oxide Green*
- Cadmium Green Light
- Bohemian Green Earth (Schminke-Mussini)
- Sap Green*
- Cinnabar Green
- Yellow Ochre
- Raw Sienna*
- Mars Brown
- Burnt Sienna
- Flesh Ochre (Old Holland)
- Mars Violet
- Deep Ochre* (Old Holland)
- Raw Umber*
- Burnt Umber*
- Payne's Gray
- Ivory Black*
(Currently, Ryder is recommending Old Holland Ochre and Transparent Brown Oxide in addition to the colors listed. Lead White [Flake or Cremnitz], Naples Yellow, King's Blue, and Phthalocyanine Green have also joined the status of recommended colors. This makes for 27 suggested colors).
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